Joel made these panoramic photographs before one could easily shoot a pano on an iPhone. Initially he had to arduously stitch individual photographs together with a software program. Later, thanks to the development of the Seitz 360 medium format film camera, he was able to capture a single 360 degree image.
These panoramic photographs started with a flat 360 degree file. The flat file was really what interested me because of its unique way of bending and skewing the image and making it more subjective. I was challenged by this new way of seeing recognizable subject matter. My mind strived to complete the picture, to bend the picture, to change the picture. I realized that everything I saw, and everything that I was able to comprehend, was based in part, on my past visual experiences. It’s this visual intrigue that interests me and challenges me to continue exploring how we see and understand subject matter and how this becomes a bridge between straight forward representational photography and abstract or conceptual photography.—JPD 2001, 2009
Panorama portfolios below: Italy, Other Locations, Churches of Italy and Black and White